
Update: Four Hours Later, Fox News Commenters Still Spewing Racism

Fat Bastard Vegetarian5/11/2011 5:54:49 pm PDT

Just lit a customer up about Beck. I was playing it cool at first.

She’s just sure the economy’s gonna collapse, and the world’s gonna end. Not even sure if she wants to do any remodeling at her home for that reason. (So, why’d you make the appointment you crazy twit!) Thinks she should start storing up food for when the famine comes.

So, I asked her, “Ma’am? If you had ten years worth of food, and people were out on the street in front of your house starving to death; what would you do?”
She asked, “What do you mean?”
I said, “Would you feed them?”
She said, “Oh. I hadn’t thought of that.”
I said, “Well?”
She had no answer.

That little reality never seems to occur to these idiots.