
Video: Aotearoa

Kragar6/16/2012 12:55:44 pm PDT

re: #46 Daniel Ballard

It bears little resemblance to what I was taught or taught anyone myself. Sounds more like some talk designed to break through a students fear of a gun, maybe.. at best. At worst that’s just crap.

I’ll just touch one point. A person is fully responsible for every shot fired. Hits, misses, accidents. “make your attacker advance through a wall of bullets” becomes make your bullets advance past every wall. Your neighbors may not appreciate the mans foolish advice.

Had a fire arms safety video address just that. A shooter fired 2 warning shots to scare off an attacker. It cut to a scene of an old lady at a mailbox which gets hit as she drops in a letter, then to a kid working on his bike who takes one in the back.

You fire well aimed shots, not a wall of lead.