
TN Tea Party Groups Demand School Textbooks Overlook Slavery

Love-Child of Cassandra and Sisyphus7/07/2012 9:27:09 pm PDT

Since the topic is “Tea Party” and thus synonymous with, put very bluntly, stupidity in our land, here is another example, from today, from the land of Oklahoma:

‘God particle’ sure to draw debate

Bring up the topics of evolution, creationism or intelligent design and you are bound to stir someone’s emotions during the conversation.

Into this heated debate comes the Higgs boson, or the so-called “God particle,” which scientists unveiled on Wednesday.


This is a good example of, well, how easily humans can be persuaded by language. Simply, as one physicist did, attach the English word “god” to something, even in passing and with only an analogy intended, and all of a sudden, because humans are magickal thinkers, and because “God” is a magick word, whammmo - presto - all and anything that can be associated with this magick word becomes one.

There are some who would surmise that the Higgs boson proves that God had nothing to do with creation.

Others say the discovery of the subatomic particle proves/doesn’t prove anything about religion, one way or the other.

And there you have it — the makings of a huge debate.

No. Just, No.

The “debate” about which the OK newspaper writes has never had anything to do with the Higgs boson or any other boson for that matter or Professor Higgs.

It’s just backwards, fearful minded humans not willing to give up cherished beliefs which have given them (some would say false) comfort.