
Oh, for Pete's Sake - Now Romney Says Abortion Isn't Part of His Agenda

Eclectic Cyborg10/10/2012 12:29:18 pm PDT

re: #37 A Mom Anon

I’ve been wondering something today after being out and running errands.

I saw no less than a dozen anti-Obama bumper stickers today. Some of them were openly hostile(Hey Obama,Privatize This!,with a middle finger.I’d bet money this person will say a word about privatizing schools though.). Some were more subtle(How’s that Hope and Change working out for ya?).

Has there ever been so many anti- type bumper stickers and slogans aimed at a president before? Am I just noticing this? I just don’t remember seeing very many anti-Bush type things on people’s cars and stuff. Of course,I’m in a really red state place and maybe that’s why.

Anti-Obama is a billion dollar industry. Anti-Bush was not. I don’t think dislike for a particular President has ever been commercialized as much as with Obama.