
Overnight Open Thread

jdog294/03/2009 6:27:54 am PDT

I guess it was early Thursday morning when my dog woke me up barking at the moles digging in our yard, or it was a pack of vampires she had successfully ran off by the time I was looking out the window trying to figure out why she was barking…. anyway I turned on the TV and lo and behold President Obama was with G. of the U.K. giving a joint press conference and he made a lot of sense.

His strongest point, I believe, was how people were debating around the margins of what should be done and that is a good thing.

Until Republicans can come up with a clear plan showing the stark philosophical differences between capitalism and the socialistic solutions the Obama administration along with the congress, also controlled by the Socialist Party, is presenting to the American people instead of “arguing around the margins” read “Socialist Lite” the Republicans will remain in exile.