
Jindal-Endorsed Creationist Loses in Louisiana

Salamantis4/05/2009 6:11:47 pm PDT

re: #473 stuiec

Interesting. I wasn’t aware of the connection of Christian eschatology with Islam.

As for Evangelicals, I recall in the 1970s being told directly by an Evangelical that I was going to Hell because, as a Jew, I was not saved through accepting Christ as my Savior. I assume that the theology hasn’t changed much — maybe the belief is that righteous Jews go to someplace not as bad as Hell — but I notice that I haven’t heard anyone in years telling me directly that I’m doomed for not accepting Christ. So if they can tolerate me even though I don’t accept their beliefs, I’m happy to tolerate them and accept their support. It’s a whole lot better than the general relations between fundamentalist Muslims and Jews in the global scheme of things.

Tolerating their religious beliefs isn’t the problem; the problem is when they demand the right to use the public schools as vehicles by means of which to proselytize their religous beliefs.