
The Return of the Confederacy

Mad Prophet Ludwig4/13/2011 10:30:10 am PDT

re: #469 wlewisiii

I find her writing quite good and far beyond “space opera”. She uses the trappings to tell some very interesting stories (IMO, IME & all that). If you have never read it, I’d advise trying “The Mountains of Mourning” as evidence.

I love space opera, and I certainly do not see the term as pejorative.

There is good space opera and bad space opera. The point of space opera to me is a certain sweeping scope where the science part of the science fiction takes second place to high adventure and the interactions of likable heroes and hateable villains. Much of the most beloved sci-fi out there is pure space opera. She is absolutely writing space opera.

I don’t see the term “high fantasy” as pejorative either.