
Video: Samantha Bee on Trump's Bizarre, Disturbing Concept of "Loyalty"

FormerDirtDart šŸ•šŸ€ No Capt'n šŸ˜· Trips2/02/2017 7:59:32 am PST

re: #467 Lupin

You may well be correct, but that is not the impression given by the articles Iā€™ve read.

Let me translate a passage from the one I linked to, which is among the least ā€œcontroversialā€:

By ā€œmilitantsaā€ I assume they mean ā€œterroristsā€.

While there were no gang rapes and mutilations here, according to wiki, 22 people were killed in My Lai; even subtracting the terrorists youā€™re talking about 45 dead civilians here.

Maybe the analogy isnā€™t correct, but you donā€™t seem to realize the impact on public opinion this is having.

The My Lai massacre involved the deaths of hundreds of civilians, estimates ranging from around ~350 to 500.
Not tens of people during a massive firefight. Hundreds of people executed.