
Wednesday Afternoon Change Locus

jwb76051/28/2009 2:02:20 pm PST

re: #350 WriterMom

I’m sure Obama will arrange that ASAP.

Your post reminds me of my past.
I got out of the Navy and was confused to learn that I was apparently a baby killer.
Struggled through Gerald Ford, and then Jimmuh got elected.
It seemed like 4 years of apologies and givebacks (Panama Canal, etc)
The Iran hostage thing I just didn’t get at all.
I figured the embassy would be toast, but we couldn’t let it stand.

Then Reagan, and I began to regain some self-respect.

The difference between then and now is called the Internet.
Guys like that, nowdays, can easily find somebody to turn to, even if it’s not face-to-face.

That means if Obama does apologize (ala Carter), the “silent majority” won’t be quite as silent.