
Sarah Palin Swoons for Manly Bear-Wrestling Putin, Says Obama Wears "Mom Jeans"

GunstarGreen3/05/2014 6:38:26 am PST

re: #478 Rev_Arthur_Belling

Maybe that will keep them off all the other Sunday gabfests?

I really don’t get why these two get so much political oxygen. There are cooler heads in the Senate to discuss this stuff with.

Because American News Media is not about dissemination of information. It’s about money. They are for-profit entities that do not exist to keep their audience informed. They exist to make money. They make money by selling eyeballs. They get eyeballs to sell by airing inflammatory bullshit.

Via Ed, over at GinAndTacos:

The next time you think the internet is improving journalism consider how it has evolved headlines to convey *less* information, taking us from the Hearst-era “Man Robs Bank, 3 Shot” to “Man Walks into a Bank…You Won’t Believe What Happens Next!”