
Sunset Palm

Mad Prophet Ludwig2/05/2010 9:07:53 am PST

re: #421 filetandrelease

And you wonder why it is so hard to take you serious any more.

Except that actually is the science that you refuse to see and refuse to believe.

Paper after paper is linked to you. Film of gouts of methane flame coming out of Siberian lakes is presented here. Glaciers that normally move so slowly that the word glacial means unperceivably slow in common language have receded kilometers. There are more and more storms of greater magnitude seen each decade. This all in the data and your own life, if you could only look up from whatever blind - and it must be insanely blind existence you have.

You do not look. You do not read. You do not think.

At best you parrot the propaganda that suits your petty fears and hatreds.

At best all you do is plug your ears and insult those who not only tell you the truth but show you the data.

The word for you is pathetic moron. And as I have said again and again. People like you need to be discounted exactly the same way we discount flat earthers, nirthers, deathers, ID troglodytes and other sub standard intellects who spread dangerous and toxic nonsense.

I am exactly as polite to a moron like you as I need to be and as you deserve.

And you can only