
Video: Samantha Bee on the "Screamy, Incoherent Message" of Sanders Supporters

HRH Stanley Sea5/24/2016 5:46:06 pm PDT

re: #483 calochortus

We have a nest of scrub jays conveniently located in a shrub that is right outside the fixed side of a sliding glass door. MomJay is fine with us-she built the nest there after all. DadJay on the other hand is incredibly easily spooked and won’t feed the youngsters if there is anyone in the room. The worst we get from MomJay is The Look if we’re to close or too loud. I can understand it-I’ve given that Look to various people in my time. The nestlings are growing apace. Not that we need 3 more scrub jays around the yard.

Photos please!