
Friday Afternoon Music: Sergio Altamura, 'Dragonfly'

Wendya9/11/2009 5:59:47 pm PDT

re: #447 Jetpilot1101

I always had more faith that the conservatives in this country would take the high road and voice their opposition with thoughtful arguments, reason and facts.

I used to have faith that the media would actually report all sides of an issue as well… definitely a case of misplaced faith, wouldn’t you agree? The squeaky wheel gets the grease, as usual.

Now, I’d rather the media had reported that the republicans have offered over 800 amendments to the democrats health care legislation, every single one of which was shot down or it would be nice if they reported that the republicans do have their own health care proposals, most of which do not involve 1000 page bills that intrude on every aspect from your employer to your doctor and that they had requested a meeting with Obama but had been told their input wasn’t needed…but I guess they were just too damned busy covering Obama’s dog, or Michelle’s newest dress.

It is apparent the high road isn’t working. Instead of being lauded for not showing their asses 24/7 like the left did for the 8 previous years, they right is accused of doing nothing by trying to work within the system. It wasn’t until the highly disparaged tax protests and health care town halls that anyone even realized there was opposition to Obama and the democrats.