
Zombie: Obama's Science Czar and 'Ecoscience'

Mad Prophet Ludwig7/10/2009 1:02:48 pm PDT

re: #450 EmmmieG

Are we even close to using all the solar energy we receive?

No, not at all. I never said that we were - and I never said that we need to be taking such measures today. I did say however, that if we were approaching that point, it is not unreasonable to suggest that avoiding it would be a good thing.

Now I have not read the book in it’s entirety. I do not know if Holden et al were actually suggesting enacting such legislation in the Seventies. If they were really doing that, they were completely wrong. However, saying that this could, potentially be an issue, when the fact is that people really do need to eat and the food really does need to come from somewhere is not crazy.