
Video: New York Gov. Andrew Cuomo's Response to Sexual Harassment Investigation

Anymouse 🌹🏡😷8/03/2021 11:46:05 am PDT

re: #36 Mike Lamb

This is why any GOPer with even a pinch of self-described libertarianism is full of shit. The bedrock principle of libertarianism is you can do what you want unless/until it starts hurting/impacting other people.

And any Libertarian with a pinch of self-described libertarianism is also full of shit. Libertarianism is the ultimate expression of “I’ve got mine, fuque you.”

Libertarians are right up front trying to crush privacy (Facebook), freedom of the press (Theil), imposing military dictatorships (Chile), selfishness (“The Virtues of Selfishness” by Ayn Rand), &c.