
Latino Voters Overwhelmingly Rejected Sharron Angle

šŸˆ Crush White Christian Nationalism šŸˆ11/03/2010 11:55:04 am PDT

re: #30 SpaceJesus

I donā€™t think so, people under 35 donā€™t care about gay marriage being legal or support it. Very few are opposed, even young-ish Republicans.

I give the opposition to gay rights in America about 15-20 more years.

I really, really, hope youā€™re right. Itā€™s sad to me that so many people see giving others basic rights as a negative.

This is something Liberals and (non-social) Conservatives can agree on now. All we need is to get the SoCons on-board, and most of them seem to already feel that interracial marriage is acceptable, so it doesnā€™t seem a big step to accept gay people in the same way. They just need to be able to accept a little change, and thereā€™s been plenty of warning that the change is coming. Thereā€™s just no down-side I see to equal rights.