
Video: Sarah Palin Claims She's a Victim of Blood Libel

Nyet1/12/2011 10:33:45 am PST

May be useful to repeat my comments from the previous thread.

The blood libel is actually alive and well. Yes, the lethal superstition about witches is alive somewhere in Africa. But people do really believe in the blood libel in Europe, in Russia (and ex-USSR), in Islamist countries. In the former two not massively, perhaps, but the belief has really rejuvenated after the fall of the USSR and with the coming of the Internet.

Holocaust denial used to be a “highbrow” way to hate the Jews - no funny blood accusations, only the alleged rational and engineering arguments. But recently on HD sites the new blood libel books started to appear (cf. Fritz Berg’s “Nazi Gassings Never Happend” page).

Or read this:


Here’s a paragraph from that “letter”:

Similarly, in the Russian Empire Jews, after unsuccessful attempts of the tsarist government to make them “like everyone else” lost equality in the XIX century not because they were Jews by blood (the empire was multi-national), not because they were non-Christians (there were Muslims, Buddhists, etc.), but because the Jewish religion - anti-Christian and misanthropic, stooped to the ritual killings in the environment of its particularly zealous adherents. Many cases of this ritual extremism were also proved in court (see, for example, a study in pre-revolutionary Ministry of Internal Affairs: V. Dahl. “Research on the murder by Jews of Christian children and of using their blood”, St. Petersburg., 1844).

I mean, we don’t have to go far. Israel Shamir spreads the “there was a Jewish sect that really did it” libel right on his site.

The Nazis knew that it had very practical consequences.

This is a letter from Himmler to Kaltenbrunner advising to give out the book about “Jewish ritual murders” to Einsatzkommando members:

Image: him80.gif
Image: him81.gif