
Video: Sasha DiGiulian - 'Pure Imagination'

Love-Child of Cassandra and Sisyphus12/10/2011 2:45:15 pm PST

Meanwhile… down in Durban, it looks like the ultra-marathon, now well past a day past the deadline, will wind to and end (?) in then next couple of hours.

I can only conclude that many nations are trying to help South Africa from coming off as having botched this meeting, even though the major players in the meeting really don’t see eye to eye on many things. It’s a face-saving effort for SA, which as host play President of the COP.

It’s all a slow train to nowhere … but they are determined to not “fail”. I think the diplomatic-fu is much larger than the actual sentiments of the various nations’ legislatures or rulers on address AGW, and the diplomats are doing their best to come up with something that looks like their nations are doing something.