
WSJ: Iran's Manhattan Project Rushing Ahead

aboo-Hoo-Hoo1/16/2009 12:46:53 pm PST

re: #485 avanti

So they they knock out our communication for a few hours, while we lob in a few 20 megaton warheads as payback. Even for the nut jobs, seems a zero sum game. I worry more about them, the Pakistani’s or Korean’s supplying a portable nuke to a non government terrorist group to make it hard to know who to vaporize.

avanti, an emp does a lot more than knockout communications. Everything non-hardened, ie civilian, that contains microchip technology goes bye-bye - everything. Whether it’s on or off makes no difference. Cars, generators, radios, pumps, you name it…AMF…and since there’s no power to produce or run machinery your SOL for a real.long.time.