
Tea Party Leader Supported Racist Image of Obama

Aye Pod9/13/2009 3:06:37 pm PDT

re: #482 PSGInfinity

I’ve seen people in actual need of such meds. That you, Jimmah, talon, and others would reach for it suggests that you can’t differentiate a difference of interpretation (even though I’m right) with actual psychotic symptoms.

It’s a form of Godwin’ing.

Sometimes when people call you a looney for expressing extreme views they aren’t actually making a medical diagnosis, but just emphasising your whacked-out extremism.

Having said that, as a very learned friend of mine recently told me, an inability to recognise or understand metaphorical statements and allusions is a common symptom of mental illness, so in your case, who knows?

PS have you chosen your nick for when you will be posting on the stalker blog yet?