
South Carolina Primary Thread

OhCrapIHaveACrushOnSarahPalin1/21/2012 9:33:49 pm PST

re: #490 wlewisiii

The real question is if it can be stopped short of what happened in Spain in the 30’s, much less elsewhere on that continent. I have my doubts. That’s part of why I dislike talk about third party candidates by dems/lefties: that plays into the biggest danger the Republic faces in the short term. If we end up with a mess like 2000 again, but with Obama, it could be all it takes to ignite a real nightmare.

Yeah, it’s pie-in-the-sky talk, more ahistoricity. I keep hearing on left-confederate sites people calling for it to “get so bad” that there’s a revolution, or whatever e_e

They’re pretty easy to deal with, though. They don’t have one name, let alone an actual candidate that can unseat the incumbent and get their agenda — whatever that is, today — forwarded. It then becomes pretty clear that they don’t want an agenda forwarded, except the gripe/groan/piss/moan agenda.

Heh, I say, yeah, let Romney or Newt or one of these other GOP a-holes in the WH in 2012, that’ll give you plenty to bellyache about.

Smartphone revolutionaries, feh.