
Overnight Open Thread

iceweasel9/11/2009 5:18:54 am PDT

re: #479 opnion

Biden will represent the Administgration today at Ground Zero.
Good, & I hope Obama continues to not make the day about him.
Is he capable?

For all the people determined to make shit up today and claim that Obama doesn’t care about 9-11, let me just direct you to this:

Obama’s 9/11 gift: Does the right thing and restores WTC health czar

President Obama yesterday performed a valuable service for the thousands of sickened 9/11 rescue and recovery workers. He reappointed the indomitable Dr. John Howard as World Trade Center health coordinator.

Howard was head of the National Institute for Occupational Safety and Health when President George Bush tapped him to lead government efforts to track what were then unexplained illnesses afflicting those who’d been exposed to toxic dust downtown.

Howard did his job, thoroughly and aggressively. After months of investigation, he became the first federal official to acknowledge that the debilitating ailments were both real and directly attributable to 9/11 service.

For his trouble, Howard was roundly punished in the administration. His budget was slashed, his authority was undercut and finally he was ignominiously fired from NIOSH over the Fourth of July weekend last year.

But feel free to engage in your ODS, find weird symbolism and ‘proof’ that Obama hates America and 9-11 on the basis of eating Dijon mustard today, and explain to me why the New York Daily News doesn’t know the ‘true’ meaning of 9-11.