
Donald Trump Calls Conspiracy-Monger Alex Jones to Thank Him, Promises to Go on His Show Soon

Anymouse šŸŒ¹šŸ”šŸ˜·11/14/2016 10:22:57 am PST

re: #480 HappyWarrior

You keep on saying we wrote certain areas off. I keep on telling the Dem party doesnā€™t have unlimtied funds and time, sure we could campaign in parts of the country that are overwhelmingly Republican but that would mean we wouldnā€™t be able to do as much in places that are more closer to us. And I got news for you, we did just that, Clinton campaigned in Georgia, Arizona, and ran ads in Utah even. And you again vastly overstate the extent of how the Republicans campaigned in all 50 states. Iā€™m not saying we shouldnā€™t do more, we should so I donā€™t want you write me off as saying Iā€™m giving those states up, Iā€™m saying a campaign with limited time and money has to prioritize and in the EC system, theyā€™re going to choose the states and regions theyā€™re more competitive in.

The campaign ran for eighteen bloody months. As for money? How much does an advert for a newspaper cost (I brought that up before). The GOP ran full-page adverts in my newspaper, an area where we donā€™t have cable television.

Again with the ā€œchoose which state to prioritiseā€ as in ā€œthose other states are too hard to campaign in.ā€

I see I am not making any headway here, and I wonā€™t be able to. The party campaigns as a national party, or it campaigns as a regional party. It doesnā€™t matter if Hillary Clinton were to win by fifty million votes, it only matters if she won by one electoral college vote.

I really am done. Find another Democrat to run for office here (that is, if the party wants to bother spending money here - after all, there are only limited funds and the Democratic Party only has hundreds of millions of dollars to spend).

I canā€™t do it alone. I really canā€™t.

Betcha you arenā€™t sleeping with a shotgun under your bed.