
No Racism at the Tea Party?

Joshua Cohen9/17/2009 5:18:00 am PDT

re: #32 LudwigVanQuixote

Umm… he did lie again and again about WMD that were not there.

And don’t had me the whole botched intelligence thing. Uranium centrifuges are big things and you need thousands of them in a large facility to get anywhere. You can not easily hide such a thing. It is right there in the open - like it is in Iran.

So, yes, he lied - or at best convinced himself that a falsehood was true.

Not just nukes are WMD! And he has proven that he is capable because he use chemical WMD before, against Iran and against his own people.
Yes, the army was very concerned about chemical warhead tipped missiles - and they practice with chem-suits a lot.

And besides a very long truck convoy that left Iraq toward Syria shortly before the begin of the war (it is documented), the Coalition Forces find WMD and components in Iraq. They find mostly chemical ones. And some advanced biological research results too.

Biggest problem of the pentagon was, they could not stand in front of the UN and say “We knew for sure Saddam has these weapons…because we have kept the receipt”

And then was there this airplane that crashed into the pentagon and I am damn sure it hits the part where these documents where stored. (conspiracy theory away!)

Last thing - uranium centrifuges are not very huge…they just have to rotate very fast.
But lets talk about the Syrian reactor that was hit a while ago…where did it and its technology come from…so nearly over night?