
A Hilarious Bad Lip Reading Remix: Ted Cruz's GOP Convention Speech

A Mom Anon7/26/2016 10:39:38 am PDT

re: #461 HappyWarrior

I was born in 1960. Brother in 1965. My sister was born in 1970. In 1971, my parents decided it was time for Mom to have a bigger car because there were 3 kids and squishing them into a small car was a pain. My Mom was a full time Mom who worked with her friends in a little shop they had all opened together to sell arts and crafts and the like. She had her own income. She still could not buy a car without Dad signing for her. I remember her just fuming on the way home from an encounter with a Cadillac dealership where they called her “honey” and “sweetie” and told her she had to come back with a man, either her husband or father, to buy a car WITH HER OWN FUCKING MONEY. And when she did get that car, it wasn’t in her name alone. She was a business owner mind you. I was 11, and I never forgot that. She wasn’t just humiliated, she was PISSED. So was my Dad. It’s a long time ago, but not really. We’re still fighting stupid sexist crap (see, Ailes, Roger and Co.) and I honestly don’t know when this shit will finally die the death it should have by now.

Women younger than me often have no clue about this shit unless someone close to them tells them about it. They’ll have a clue if the GOP has their way.