
Overnight Open Thread

Obdicut (Now with 2% less brain)11/15/2011 10:55:42 am PST

re: #497 SanFranciscoZionist

I don’t think all of them need to be angry enough to do something, but this is an example of people who ARE angry enough to do something, they’re angry enough to make little signs explaining that they work 80 hours weeks, live on ramen, and have no health care, and that’s FINE thank you. And while I think that’s insane, I also, sort of understand what they’re feeling.

I do think it is a pride thing. I also find pride a really bizarre emotion most of the time. People are very often proud of things I find baffling as to why they would be proud of them.

If you can understand what they’re feeling, I think you can probably also understand why people are angry at them.

I’m not angry at them, but I do think they’re not helping, and engaging in magical thinking that’s going to wind up, quite often, with them being screwed.

And the ones who write on their signs about how they went to a state school, or otherwise benefited from our civil society, seem to be wildly missing the point.