
Power Line's Hinderaker: Schools Should Be More Like Biker Bars

Targetpractice12/16/2012 10:14:30 am PST

re: #494 sattv4u2

Reason I linked to that is perhaps he didn’t initially have access to moms arsenal. Why go try to buy one if he had access to her guns (that is, in his planning on the killing spree)

Perhaps after not being able to buy one on his own he confronted mom (again, presuming he didn’t have ready access to hers) and somehow forced her to open her stash

Theoretically plausible, but again, considering testimony that she was an avid gun collector and had been teaching him to shoot and handle guns for years, I get the feeling that he didn’t want to go through the trouble of acquiring her stash. Probably figured she’d know something was up if he was gathering up a handful of guns and wanted to go unnoticed until he started pulling the trigger.