
Man Accused of Eating Cats Arrested

Nyet2/17/2012 10:43:43 am PST

re: #4 MichaelJ

“By ‘not meant’ I mean it is fucking illegal!”

Um, that’s not what it usually means. Many things were illegal in various states, like teaching of evolution, porn, sodomy, abortion, integrated facilities. By this definition these things were “not meant” while they were illegal. But that’s neither here, nor there. So, if whatever state laws that prohibit eating of cats are repealed, the “not meant to” also goes. Somehow I doubt you meant that. Then, of course, there are places in the US where pet-eating is not illegal, see , so I guess in these places cats are meant to be eaten.

Pigs are also domesticated animals, and the ones that can be kept as pets too. Should therefore their consumption be forbidden? But the whole “pets” issue is a red herring. Why should it be illegal to eat pets? Or, illegal to eat some pets, but not others? If you stick with “offensiveness”, fine, as long as you understand the unintended consequences that follow from that, given that various groups find various things to be offensive, and the time may come that something you engage in will be banned as offensive.