
Where's the Coverage? PA President Mahmoud Abbas' Role in the Munich Massacre

CuriousLurker7/26/2012 5:44:54 am PDT

re: #4 Bob Levin

I knew about it, but only because it was mentioned on the Wiki page for the Munich massacre that I read recently:

Munich Massacre: Abu Daoud

Abu Daoud was allowed safe passage through Israel in 1996 so he could attend a PLO meeting convened in the Gaza Strip for the purpose of rescinding an article in its charter that called for Israel’s eradication. In his autobiography, From Jerusalem to Munich, first published in France in 1999, and later in a written interview with Sports Illustrated, Abu Daoud wrote that funds for Munich were provided by Mahmoud Abbas, Chairman of the PLO since 11 November 2004 and President of the Palestinian National Authority since 15 January 2005.

Though he claims he didn’t know what the money was being spent for, longtime Fatah official Mahmoud Abbas, aka Abu Mazen, was responsible for the financing of the Munich attack.

Abu Daoud believes that if the Israelis knew that Mahmoud Abbas was the financier of the operation, the 1993 Oslo Accords wouldn’t have been achieved, during which Mahmoud Abbas was seen in photo ops at the White House.

What surprises me is that Israel wasn’t aware of it until decades after the attack, apparently. That it isn’t written about now doesn’t surprise me as it would be politically awkward for quite a few people (realpolitik and all that).