
Video: Jon Stewart: How I Meteored Your Motherland

Kragar2/20/2013 2:06:54 pm PST

re: #4 freetoken

And speaking of someone who could use a little pot…

Erik Rush Warns Conservative Leaders Secretly Support the Imminent Obama Dictatorship

Conservative columnist Erik Rush has been warning over and over again that President Obama and his Democratic (and Chinese) allies are bent on creating a one-party, anti-Christian, communist state. But as we learn in Rush’s latest column, the leaders of the Republican Party support the looming Obama dictatorship as well!

Leaving aside for the moment the likelihood that parties and party politics in America will become moot within the next few years (owing to the emergence of a single party or the country’s dissolution into civil war), conservatives and libertarians are finding themselves at an unpleasant crossroads. While some observers gave up on the leadership of the Republican Party long ago, it is now becoming apparent to rank-and-file Republicans that the GOP leadership and its prominent operatives are wholly complicit in the fundamental transformation of America.