
Monday Night Jam: Joe Bonamassa, "This Train"

wheat-dogg, raker of forests, master of steam5/23/2016 11:35:12 pm PDT

re: #46 Anymouse

My wife used to make that argument. (She was at one time a Libertarian Party campaign finance manager for a candidate from Colorado running for the House. She has no children.)

She has softened her position on financing education. (She went to university when she was sixteen, earning two degrees, then went for the “pull up the ladder behind me” position.)

She is no longer a Libertarian. (She even became our village public library director, something she would have opposed a couple decades ago.) Strangely, she never read anything by Rand (she noted Shrugged had her bored by about page three).

Libertarianism is another form of idealism masquerading as a political and economic theory. It completely ignores the baser sides of human emotions, such as greed and egotism, which tank any attempts to have a completely libertarian society. Life could be gravy for the people at the top, but it would be hell for everyone below that rank. Libertarians convince themselves they’d be at the top, of course.