
Michele Bachmann (R-Mars) Wows Them in Iowa

Simply Sarah3/27/2011 11:31:37 am PDT

re: #42 oaktree

One of the “Americans For…” groups is running pretty slick ads on CNN (saw it at work the other day.)

Conference in China in 2030 where the speaker is talking about various empires fell (Greeks, Romans, etc.) and then “why did the American Empire fall? They’re tried to tax and spend their way out of a recession.” More blah blah blah and then the speaker delivers the kicker “and that is why they work for us now” while the crowd of Oriental attendees applaud.

Lots of nice dog whistle action in that one.

I’m really tired of the whole “tax and spend” line. Ignoring, for the moment, any debate on if that sort of policy has merit (Well, the more realistic policies generally labeled as such), that’s not even what Obama and the Democrats have been doing. For the most part, they’ve kept existing tax cuts in place while adding new ones (You know, like with much of the stimulus being tax cuts instead of direct spending). If they’re going to attack the Democrat’s policies, can they at least try to be remotely close to reality when describing them?

No? I figured as much.