
The Last Of The Navajo Code Talkers

BishopX11/11/2011 7:25:48 pm PST

re: #39 ProLifeLiberal

I’m going to assume the Taliban and other yutzballs haven’t changed much in ideology in the past decade. They would, barring Bagram Base, target Shia Centers. Most likely Iran.

I doubt they would target Iran for three reasons. The first is that Iran is supplying weapons to insurgents in Afghanistan, so the enemy of their enemy is their friend. The second is that on the global scale the taliban hates shia a lot less than they hate Russia or the west. The third reason is practical, Iran is due west of Afghanistan. Any fallout from a nuclear detonation in Iran will be carried east into Afghanistan.

In terms of targets for nuclear weapon from the Talibans point of view I would guess the target priority list would look something like this:

-Anywhere in America
-Tel Aviv
-Any remaining European nations still in Afghanistan
-Russia (Moscow?)