
American Family Association Spokesman Fischer: Government Should Force Everyone to Go to Church

Kragar7/06/2012 11:07:29 am PDT

Roy “10 commandments” Moore: ‘False Religions’ in America are Persecuting Christians; Undocumented Immigrants Have More Rights than Citizens

Moore: Thomas Jefferson in his Bill for Religious Freedom said that would happen, when men presume to restrict your freedom then they will allow false religions to come into your country and it all began when he said ‘well aware that the opinions and beliefs of man depend not upon their own will but follow involuntarily the evidence proposed to their minds that almighty God hath created the mind free.’ You see he recognized that God gives him that freedom of conscience and when men come in and try to restrict it what happens is false religions come in and that’s what’s happening in our country today. Christians are being persecuted while people of a religion foreign to our country are doing what they want.

Technically, Christianity is also a foreign religion because last I checked, it didn’t originate here.