
Obama: 'Help Us Destroy Jesus and Start a New Age of Liberal Darkness'

palomino9/07/2012 7:49:14 pm PDT

Think about the optics of the two conventions. Specifically the crowds therein. Republicans had people who looked like a pretty homogeneous. Democrats, OTOH, looked like they had about every type of American imaginable.

Unless you live inside a country club, which group more closely resembles your town? And, more importantly, which group most closely resembles the nation as a whole?

Republicans imagine that they will soon enough appeal to those diverse groups that aren’t white, straight, religious, etc. But their conflation of overt religiosity and Randian, Wild West, “every man is an island” philosophy has limited appeal. It’s a peculiarly Eurocentric and American attitude, not shared by many outside the white Christians, particularly men, who have dominated the Right’s discourse in the past and today.