
Sarah Palin Swoons for Manly Bear-Wrestling Putin, Says Obama Wears "Mom Jeans"

Love-Child of Cassandra and Sisyphus3/05/2014 6:51:24 am PST

Well, this may bristle:

Study finds genetic link between height and IQ

A team of researchers at Edinburgh University in Scotland has found a correlation between genes associated with height and those associated with intelligence. In their paper published in the journal Behavior Genetics, the group describes how they studied the DNA of 6,815 unrelated people and discovered what they describe as a direct correlation between height and intelligence—taller people are smarter, they say.


Study relies on twins and their parents to understand height-IQ connection

The fact that taller people also tend to be slightly smarter is due in roughly equal parts to two phenomena—the same genes affect both traits and taller people are more likely than average to mate with smarter people and vice versa—according to a study led by the University of Colorado Boulder.

The study did not find that environmental factors contributed to the connection between being taller and being smarter, both traits that people tend to find attractive.

The modest correlation between height and IQ has been documented in multiple studies stretching back to the 1970s. But the reasons for the relationship between the two traits has not been well understood.


The articles reference this work:

Common Genetic Variants Explain the Majority of the Correlation Between Height and Intelligence: The Generation Scotland Study