
Nirthers Fleecing the Flock

Teacake!5/21/2009 9:07:13 pm PDT

Is LGF’s Walter L Newton the same who sings the praises of one of the most vile racists in all of New Orleans? and

This guy Biff goes after girls young enough to be his granddaughter and she wasn’t interested. BiffRose has devoted his website to rant about this poor young gal, he loves and admires hitler, yet paints her as Lady Hitler…. scroll down and is a wonderful review of this creep, by Walter L Newton. If this is the same, this is sad.

Anyhow, that this creep biffrose is stalking this girl, ripping on her on his websites as well as posting fliers all over town, she and her friends feel helpless and say there is nothing they can do, that he isn’t breaking any laws! Is this true? She believes she now must leave the city to get away from this vile character. After looking at his websites, he asks for comments. Hummmmm…..