
Fanatics, Creationists, and Theocrats Win One in Texas

WINDUPBIRD DISEASE [S.K.U.M.M.]5/22/2010 3:03:42 pm PDT

re: #477

Yes, it should be off-limits.

These people are protesting Bank of America, and that guy’s association with Bank of America is, for the protesters, the “personification” of BofA.

Why in hell should this guy’s family be subject to having protesters outside their private home?

Same applies for any protest. Protest at the business site or a neutral site.
Do NOT protest at a person’s private home, which should be a person’s haven, a place where he can feel safe and secure from the pressures of the outside world. It’s probably not illegal to protest in a public area outside a person’s home; but it sure is unethical, and I would NEVER take part in something like that.

Well, we’re just going to have to disagree on that.

Consider this: What if I work from home? What if the things I say that are worthy of protest, I say from home?

And say I have a business location on a busy street, a storefront, perhaps. With many other stores nearby that have nothing to do with me. And people protest AT MY BUSINESS LOCATIOON, but they scare the nice lady with the thai eatery next door, and the laundromat owner across the street.

See what I’m getting at here? Protests are not perfect and clean and tidy. They’re messy affairs. It’s a bunch of angry people. It’s the world. Your home is your haven, which is why we have tresspassing laws. I think tresspassing laws do their job. If someone’s on my lawn, I can call the cops and get rid of them. In some states, I can aim a firearm at them if they;re on my property!