
Right Wing Blogs Led by Breitbart "News" Launch Virulent, Dishonest Attack on "Black Lives Matter" Activist

Love-Child of Cassandra and Sisyphus8/21/2015 10:48:20 am PDT

re: #491 iossarian

Well, my question was a bit open ended, but I was really digging at the problem not so much of the mechanics of reporting, but of forcing people to make “identity” a binary, ternary, etc. choice.

As Juante linked upstream, the question today of “which race are you” does not make sense.

Now, I don’t believe the question ever really made sense because old notions of “race” were quite superficial (based on skin tone) and we know from physical anthropology today that human variation is not really about skin tone.

Still, as a society we still, in many cases, try to force people into describing themselves using outdated ideas.