
Pat Buchanan: It's All About the White Men

Mad Prophet Ludwig7/19/2009 9:59:46 pm PDT

re: #497 jcm

Because court did that does that make it right?

The court decided Dred Scott to, it must have been right then also?

The same courts that somehow found that the right to privacy, extends to and binds all states, with Sotomayor and the 3rd circuit found the 2nd doesn’t extend to and bind all all states.

We have a balance of power between the branches, not a judicial oligarchy. When the courts fuck up, which the obviously do, it’s the DUTY of the legislative and executive branch to slap them down. Not roll over and say well shit, 9 folks got the black robes that makes them more special than the rest of us.

I’m not arguing about HOW it is.

I’m arguing how how it was ESTABLISHED and how it SHOULD be.

How it was established and how it should be are also subject to interpretation. I am not saying I dissagree with you. I am saying that given it is the way it is, conservative justices make all sorts of rulings that piss off the other half of the country too, and being a centrist myself, I rather like the idea of keeping the court a little balanced.