
Overnight Open Thread

Diamond Bullet3/30/2009 5:26:23 am PDT

So I took the family downtown on Saturday to look at DC’s cherry blossoms. On the way back we cut past the White House on the way to K Street. Obama had the entire north side of the White House blocked off by police. We couldn’t believe it. During the middle of the Iraq War Bush would let people sit right outside the fence — I have pictures of myself there. But Obama won’t even let people get anywhere close. A lot of people in the park were grumbling about it. The only protestors on site were some anti-Ampwerhpaed Iranians, so it’s hard to believe that was the reason. The constrast between Bush letting hundreds of Code Pink wackos right up to the fence with Obama using squad cars to keep 20 angry pro-American Iranians away was pretty striking.