
Punkin' the Nirthers

iceweasel8/06/2009 6:27:02 pm PDT

re: #483

That said … I think ArmyWife’s suggestion upthread, that it would make more sense and have greater impact for the WH to issue a FAQ to go along with the bill, so that people can find their own answers. That would be a much better way of ensuring that the correct information is disseminated than asking people to send the WH their e-mails that may or may not have correct information. That accomplishes nothing until an explanation is given.

If I had to guess, I’d say they’re preparing a post over at the WH site right now called something like “Health care myths and facts”.

Collecting some of the more pervasive rumours and myths would be the way to start. As Charles said, this is very like what Obama did in the campaign. It was successful then; my guess is that they want to replicate that strategy.