
Kook Lies About 'Lies'

Alberta Oil Peon3/30/2009 6:52:12 pm PDT

re: #493 Jimmah

Again, it seems that the only approach to this problem that AGW sceptics are aware of, or feel comfortable acknowledging is the luddite approach of going back to some kind of pre technological world. for many though, myself included, the real solution is to put lots and lots of cash and man hours into propelling ourselves into the next technological age. (Not to mention that this would also free us of our dependence on Saudi/middle eastern oil)


Giant laser experiment powers up

I call bullshit. I’m an AGW skeptic, but I fully support research into alternative sources of energy. Petroleum and coal can keep us going for a while, but those resources are not infinite, and we would really be better off to keep them for use as manufacturing feedstock, anyway.