
Monday Night Jam: Forq, "Taizo"

Dr Lizardo7/11/2017 10:56:42 am PDT

re: #498 ObserverArt

Let him try to run. That would be the ultimate sign of guilt.

You know, I am kind of wondering if this email thing and the meeting was Putin getting Donny Jr. in deep for a little extra “oomph” to keep big Don in line if and when needed.

Get the son dirty by falling for all this, that may not even be real, and then hold it over the entire Trump campaign to make them dance to your tune.

The meeting is the thing…there may never have been any actual substance to give Junior, they just wanted him to fall for the contact.

I think Putin really knew how stupid this family is.

I have little doubt that Putin is keenly aware of how utterly vacuous and vapid the Trump family is. Indeed….that’s probably his ace in the hole.