
Friday Night Open

bratwurst9/24/2011 8:38:16 am PDT

re: #492 RogueOne

I saw the post last week where you said you were on an enforced sabbatical. Just wanted to tell you good luck. I looked to see if you had an email address listed for the lgf safemail option to send you a note but couldn’t find it. Don’t know if that option has been dropped or if you don’t have an email listed.

Hey, I really appreciate that! While I am not a “live to work” kinda guy, the novelty of unemployment is starting to wear off. Being scapegoated for the failure of a language school, then having the owner of the school lie to the state in order to deny me unemployment benefits was a major shock to the system. Fortunately, even the Department of Employment Security was not fooled and I have started to receive my modest payments. I am lucky in life that I am in no danger of going hungry or being evicted…obviously there are plenty of people in my shoes who are in real trouble these days. I am going to start doing some volunteer work here soon as a way of giving back a bit.