
Poseur Alert: Breitbart/CNN Commentator Dana Loesch Supported RomneyCare

Obdicut (Now with 2% less brain)10/10/2011 5:52:47 am PDT

By the way, at the risk of being too hippie-dippie. I’d like to mention something I haven’t before.

Since Varek already brought the mood down by mentioning dead friends, I think it’s alright to talk about.

I have PTSD, a result of being sexually and physically abused as a child. Normally, I do pretty well with it. But occasionally I have depressive episodes. I can feel them coming before they arrive, and sometimes I manage to combat them, and sometimes I don’t. I feel one coming.

So if you notice a sharp change in my mood, depressive attitudes on my part, and most of all if I start saying things that just don’t sound like me, please let me know. It really actually helps me to beat it back, because my own perspective, of course, changes as the dark mood overtakes me.

So especially if you hear me saying things that are, well, just downright callous, that would sound better coming from a glibertarian, please tell me.
