
The Cain-Gingrich Endorsement

RogueOne1/29/2012 7:23:12 am PST

Occupy the Super Bowl off to rousing start:

Labor protestors march through Super Bowl Village in Indianapolis

Indianapolis Education Association president Ann Wilkins told the crowd of about 75 protesters to remember which legislators voted for the right-to-work bill and vote them out in the November elections.

During the march on the Village, protesters chanted “Occupy the Super Bowl.” Organizers of Saturday’s event say that if Indiana Gov. Mitch Daniels does sign the bill into law this week, the protests will likely continue.

Local coverage:

“We’re going to occupy the Statehouse next week,” said rally co-organizer Bill Mullen, a professor at Purdue University. “And we’re prepared to occupy the Super Bowl a week from tomorrow. This campaign is not going to stop……

Saturday’s speakers included Ann Wilkins with the Indianapolis Teachers Association, April Burke with Occupy Purdue, state Sen. Jean Breaux of Indianapolis and Jolivette Anderson of the Purdue Black Cultural Center.

Led by “Occupy Purdue: Most Boring Occupy Ever”