
Outrageous Outrage of the Day

SanFranciscoZionist5/06/2010 1:58:53 pm PDT

re: #478 marjoriemoon

I didn’t use swastika, because that would be offense at any time, so I picked the German flag, but I could have used the iron cross which isn’t quite as inflammatory as a swastika, but would still be insulting on Holocaust Day.

These kids were being inflammatory. It was obvious from their parent’s statements who could have at least expressed an apology for insulting someone else even if it wasn’t the children’s intention. But you see, it WAS their intention to use the flag as a club to ram it over the heads of the Mexican students. “Screw you, Mexican, and your Cinco de Mayo! We’re Americans and damn proud.” That makes me pretty ill.

This is Mexico, not Iran. This isn’t the freakin Ayotollah. This is all about the AZ legislation and a bunch of white families who don’t want THEM here.

Freaking Morgan Hill. Nothing good ever comes out of that place!