
Fake Outrage of the Day: Hilary Rosen Criticizes Ann Romney, Right Wing Goes Nuts

allegro4/12/2012 12:55:21 pm PDT

re: #497 JRCMYP

I think she should be off limits unless she makes an actual statement that has some substance to it. A throw away tweet in response to a misconstrued statement about her is not enough to claim that she is engaged in any kind of meaningful conversation about what “women want” today or from their President. And what does “not feeling wealthy” tell us about her views on other women or women’s rights? Nothing. I think this is a no-win argument and a slippery slope. By all accounts Ann Romney is a sympathetic person and making hay about *her* is a bad idea.

Romney, the man who wants to be our next president, made her opinions meaningful when he said that it was those opinions that he listens to to form his potential policy positions with regard to women. He discounts the very real Republican war on women because he says his wife tells him there is no such thing. This makes her engaged and her opinions rightful topics of conversation and his depending on this a rightful topic of criticism.