
WaPo Poll: Most Americans Oppose Afghanistan War

horse8/20/2009 10:53:07 am PDT

President Obama:

“I want the American people to understand that we have a clear and focused goal: to disrupt, dismantle and defeat al-Qaida in Pakistan and Afghanistan and to prevent their return to either country in the future. That’s the goal that must be achieved. That is a cause that could not be more just. And to the terrorists who oppose us, my message is the same: We will defeat you.”

I hope he doesn’t forget his own words, he said them just a few months ago as a part of his new strategy on Afghanistan and Pakistan. It’s going to be a tough fight in that region for some time. This is a time of tough decisions. Unfortunately, just leaving at this time would probably cost us more in the long run. Pakistan is the lynchpin to stability, and it is in chaos.